
 from The Humboldt Times-Standard

EUREKA- “ Man, Woman and Mythology,” a collection of mixed-media paintings by Monjett Graham, is on exhibit through Aug. 28 at the Gallery Dog, 321 Third St.

An Arts Alive opening reception will be held from 6 to 9 p.m. Saturday.
The exhibition is a combination of ancient Greek mythology and everyday life.

“Done in my usual mixed-media collage technique, I have attempted to portray current issues in mythological terms,” Graham said. “These portrayals are not intended as flat statements, but as an inquiry into other perspectives.”
Graham’s primary reference has been 19th century scholar Thomas Bulfinch.

“Bulfinch’s mythology differs from a lot of other writings on that subject in that there is more ruthless detail and less sugar-coating of the tales than in other versions. I have chosen ancient Greek mythology over other possible choices because it is so well known within the parameters of western culture,” Graham said.

“Most people who have had any schooling at all in the United States have some notion of the deities and stories from Greek mythology.

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