
from the Mill Valley Literary Review
Art Notes by Marlene Tait

Monjett Graham, abstract painter/collagist, was first seen in the Review in our Chevron-sponsored Visions of Light supplement this last July. Creating in a style totally of the 'now' he nontheless reaches into the past for historical figures, early religious images and symbols. In Shiva we see no the image but the power behind the image, behind the name - red signifying energy, the creative energy of Shiva. Still, the artist did not have a deity in mind. The name came later. It was the emotion, the energy, the life force that gave the painting its name.

In a show entitled "Light Rhythm" 1992 Graham's work can be seen at the Piazza Gallery, 819 Bridgeway, Sausalito now through March. The exhibit, a ten-year retrospective of Graham's work, presents the transition from his earlier flat paintings on stretched canvas to the current many-layered collages. Like Jackson Pollock and Paul Klee his highly intelligent visual message is filled with color, warmth, movement and effervescent humor.

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